Monday, November 14, 2011

Herbal Treatments For Relieving Anxiety

Anxiety or panic attacks are common, daily worries that can be atrocious enough to make us want to hide under the sheets, and draw away from the world for quite some time.

As everyone probably has experienced some form of anxiety at one time or another during their lives; however some anxiety is considered healthy, as some say it helps to provide the needed motivation and adrenaline rush. But there are occasions when it can be so severe that it interrupts, and sometimes messes up one's daily life.

Catnip Plants

Common Anxiety Symptoms

The physical symptoms of panic attacks are manifested in the form of sweaty palms, dizziness, and diarrhea or intestinal/digestive discomfort, or having a feeling like getting a lump in the throat, insomnia, and restlessness.

The list goes on, including the hidden physical discomforts that excessive anxiety can deliver. In some individuals, there may be feelings of uneasiness, uncertainty or apprehension related to something unforeseen or unknown.

A person may feel his heart racing, feel some tightness in the chest, rapid breathing, or a tingling sensation in the hands or feet, or both. The physical manifestations of anxiety add up over time, and may lead to chronic panic disorders. According to statistics, one in every four individuals in the US has a diagnosable anxiety disorder.

What Causes These Attacks?

The question of whether panic attacks and overactive anxiety is caused by our mind or other biological factors is constantly being debated by experts in the medical field.

Most research suggests that this disorder is generally caused by a complex combination of life events, psychological behavior, family history and genetic factors. No exact anxiety gene per se has yet been identified, however some anxiety disorders, like panic attacks, do appear to be hereditary in nature.

Herbal Treatments For Panic Attacks

Herbs and other natural, plant-derived mixtures or solutions are fast becoming a popular alternative to prescription drugs for relieving panic disorders. While anti-anxiety medicines generally work well, they can sometimes be habit-forming and can cause negative side effects, while natural anti-anxiety treatments are often seen as safer alternatives, and generally do not lead to dependency or substance abuse.

- Valerian

This herb has been studied to be potent in relieving anxiety in clinical trials. Standardized Valerian extracts that had a minimum of 0.8% valerenic acid, which is the active compound, worked well. The herb's extract work quickly, often in less than an hour when taken in doses of a few hundred milligrams, and these may be taken up to three or four times a day.

- Passionflower

This herb has been noted to ease anxiety and insomnia caused by excessive worrying.

- Lemon balm

Lemon balm is known to not only act as a sedative, but also helps ease headaches related to tension.

- Lavender is proven to help calms and relax most anxiety sufferers.

- Chamomile has been tested not only to relieve anxiety, but also to help settle the stomach.

- Catnip is an herb that relieves tension headaches and encourages sleep.

Other common methods for relieving anxiety include creating relaxation rituals for yourself. Some people do this by meditating, which has been noted to not only relax the body and mind, but also allows one to cope more calmly.

This method may be carried out in various ways, and may range from reciting a mantra, which is a meaningless yet simple sound, to focusing on one's breathing. Other individuals spend their time in prayer and reading inspirational books or magazines.

Some people enjoy drinking a cup of chamomile tea or lighting a candle and relaxing in a hot bath. By spending some time for simple rituals like these, you may actually find yourself more relaxed and confident, and in much better shape for dealing with the rigors and stressors of daily life. - Prime Herbal

Herbal Treatments For Relieving Anxiety

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