Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Want to know some common and scientific name of plants?

Know the common names of plants is the key if you want to create a beautiful garden inside or outside. How many shops deal with their botanical seeds, seedlings and mature plants with their common plant names, it is important to match names in common with science.

There are several ways to match the common names of plants with their scientific name. database of plants and encyclopedias are favored, since many of these images are on the mains, with a list of all their names. If you plant the seed packets take when your purchase, they tend to name the scientific name of the town of local investment.

Catnip Plants

In most cases, is the collective work of the English translation of the name of the Latin version of the name. Latin is also known as scientific, as many scientific names are derived from the ancient language.

Some common names of herbal plants include Amman, cleaver, two teeth, buckwheat, Bursage, annual, buttercups,> Catnip, cocklebur, Conzya, Crimson Monkey Flower, Cudweed, Dove Weed and duckweed.

When flowering plants are interested in the common names of plants for only a few African corn lily, african lily alpine thistle amaryllis, Amazon lily, arum, the baby's breathing, Balloon flower, Barberton daisy, bee balm, bellflower, bells of Ireland, roses, tulips. Clover, daisies and sunflowers, Gerber.

For those who are interested in trees, some common names are popular, oak, birch, coffee and rubber trees, lemons, oranges, pear, apple, Japanese maple, juniper and ash. If you search trees to grow in your home or away, you should be aware that trees, plants have a long growth cycle much like a flower. Some trees, like fruit trees are particularly sensitive to climate. Research should be done before every tree that does not already been introduced for import in the region.

If you live in an area that is toxicPlants>, knowing that their common name of the network can prevent confusion if you or a loved one, for which they are exposed. Some common poisonous plants include poison ivy, poison oak, nightshade, belladonna, sea buckthorn, yew, ivy, Fingerhut, hood, poison hemlock, poison sumac and pokeweed. If you suspect that you have been poisoned by any type of installation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Poisonous plants should not, unless the plants are kept as internal Precautions are taken to avoid injury. Some herbs can be toxic if used improperly so many references useful herbs such as chives, garlic and cinnamon, as a list of poisons from improper use.

Knowledge of common names of plants is not sufficient to guarantee that you will be able to keep them at home in your garden or outside. The study of plants and ensure that we desire to live in the right climate for the plants that you absolutely sure you want to go where to make your> Plant longevity.

Want to know some common and scientific name of plants?

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