Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Grow Your Own Catnip

Almost all types of cat, from lions to your household kitty, love catnip. They are not fussy about the form in which it comes; they will take it fresh, dried or inside felt toys. Interestingly, however, not all cats are attracted to catnip. In fact, it is understanding that almost 1/3 of cats are not responsive to it at all. Nevertheless, this means that the vast majority of cats love it and the good news is that it is relatively uncomplicated to grow your own.


What is Catnip?

Catnip, or catmint as it's sometimes called, is a herb and belongs to the mint family. So, why do cats love it? Well, catnip contains an active chemical called Nepatalactone, which is very similar to a chemical that is found in female cat urine and it is this which drives cats crazy. No, it wouldn't do whatever for me either, but can 2/3 of cats possibly be wrong?

Using Dried Catnip in Toys

Although they love it fresh, it is impossible to have a supply of fresh catnip all year round. So, a great way to sustain it is to dry it and place it inside toys. Like growing it, drying catnip is very simple. Just spread out the flowers and leaves that you have harvested in a well-ventilated area. After the catnip has dried out, it is advisable to place it into airtight containers, as this will help to keep it fresh throughout the autumn and winter months.

Making uncomplicated catnip toys could not be easier. Just sew a small piece of fabric to form a pillow or pouch, which you can then fill with your freshly dried catnip. The scent will not last long, so may need refilling from time to time.

Is it potential to Give Too Much?

Yes, according to some experts it is potential to give your cat too much catnip. It is understanding that regular and repeated exposure means that a cat becomes immune to the effects. Therefore, it is advisable to only offer your cat catnip once a week. It is also wise to keep a close eye on your catnip plants; if your cat is killing the plant, it may be primary to produce some sort of security to forestall any added damage.

If you would like to be able to give your cat a itsybitsy treat now and then, growing your own catnip couldn't be easier.

How to Grow Your Own Catnip:

Catnip seeds can be purchased from most orchad stores, alternatively you may prefer to buy from an online store. Catnip is easy to cultivate and thrives in sun or itsybitsy shade. It is a perennial plant, which means it will return each year. Catnip does not need much care, as it can thrive well on its own. However, this means that it can take over a garden, so it primary to leave room for the plant to grow and spread. A small tip for catnip increase is that removing the shoots of the plant prompts thicker and bushier growth.

If you plant catnip in the spring, it should flower by early summer. While the plant is in bloom, cat owners may wish to harvest the flower, top leaves and stems, these can then be located into a toy or stuffed into a small pillow case. according to some gardeners, three good harvests of catnip can be produced in one year. Because cats are particularly partial to fresh catnip, you may just wish to leave your cat with access to the plants. However, a cat is likely to chew the leaves, rub against and roll in the catnip, which can kill the plant.

How to Grow Your Own Catnip

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