Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Natural remedies for acid reflux

Because prescription drugs have some unwanted side effects, many people are looking for natural cures for acid reflux. In addition, prescription drugs, most were not designed to be taken for a long time, perhaps during a nutrition person and lifestyle changes, can be the natural remedy for acid reflux. Herbal remedies for heartburn are on what herbalists know of traditional medicine and traditional healing plants. Some of these arecommon food herbs that do not compromise the long-term use, but their effectiveness as a natural remedy for heartburn is not proven.

If you are diagnosed with acid reflux has been, it is important to see your doctor regularly, even if you feel that the symptoms under control. And you should ask your doctor about any herbal or botanical remedies for acid reflux, you know they use. It 'important to see your doctor regularly, because stomach acid can damage the esophagusand lead to more serious diseases such as cancer of the esophagus. If you depend on natural cures for acid reflux, and you become hoarse in the morning, to develop a cough, or the need to regularly remove the neck can be symptoms of silent reflux. Silent acid reflux is the term used for reflux that affects the larynx and vocal cords to describe, but not the heartburn symptoms. So even if natural remedies for acid reflux to control your heartburn,However, you must regularly with your doctor or other new symptoms.

Catnip Plants

Herbal remedies for heartburn are chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica, gentian, ginger root and other herbs, including aloe. Elm was traditionally used by indigenous peoples to treat stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and other digestive disorders. Fennel and gingerroot were also common "folk medicine" to relieveDigestive disorders. Modern herbalists have found that a combination of many herbs that have been used to treat digestive disorders have been effective natural remedy for heartburn to be. Some call it natural "cures" for reflux, but long-term relief from acid reflux is best accomplished through changes in lifestyle and eating habits.

For example, smoking relaxes the sphincter, which normally prevent them from reaching the stomach acid into the esophagus. Also dries the saliva in the mouth and throat,that normally neutralize stomach acid and begin some of the digestive system. If you use herbal remedies for acid reflux and no longer use tobacco, you can still get heartburn and you are still at risk of developing esophageal cancer. The most important risk factors for developing esophageal cancer include acid reflux, smoking and alcoholism.

This change brings a different style of life that is recommended for long-term control and relief of acid reflux. The reductionto reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol by acid reflux. In particular, the consumption of alcohol may cause symptoms in the evening the night of acid reflux and other health problems. While some argue that a glass of red wine has many health benefits, this is a 4 oz glass, before a meal, and for those who suffer from acid reflux, this may be a problem. Alcohol increases stomach acid. Prescription and natural heartburn are aligned to reduceor the prevention of stomach acid too. It just makes no sense to continue drinking alcohol when he was diagnosed with acid reflux.

Change your eating habits can be natural remedies for heartburn. If you eat late, usually a large meal in the evening, less than three hours before bedtime, then you are more likely to suffer from nighttime heartburn or other reflux symptoms such as cough. This is because the acid from the stomach to travel up to the neck. Increasethe headboard is also available as a natural remedy for acid reflux symptoms occurring at night. Gravity helps the acid in the stomach, but eating the last meal before and a smaller meal at night can prevent the reflux.

Finally, it should be noted as a weight loss of the natural cures for acid reflux. If you're at your ideal weight, then you may not need to read this section. Overweight and obese are much more likely to sufferacid reflux, including reflux overnight. The herbal remedies test for the control of acid reflux, and makes no effort to lose the extra pounds will certainly be disappointing. With the prescription and / or natural remedies for acid reflux while you're trying to lose weight makes sense. Avoid fried and fatty foods are often people who suffer from heartburn. If you avoid these and eat many small meals throughout the day then of course you can lose weight and, of course, treat acidReflux. Eating is more small meals every few hours is often recommended by doctors diet, because it increases metabolism and maintains stable blood sugar levels, so I'm not sleepy after meals, there is no need to lie down and stomach acid is less likely to go back into the esophagus.

These are just some of the possible natural cures for acid reflux. The naturopathic doctor may have additional suggestions of botanists. For more information about heartburn and otherDigestive problems, visit www.digestive

Natural remedies for acid reflux

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drink tea to help acid reflux and indigestion

Indigestion is often a sign that there are other problems in the body, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gallbladder disease, or ulcers, and is not a condition or a disease in itself. Indigestion is a recurring pain that is persistent and in the middle of the abdomen.

The symptoms of indigestion are heartburn, stomach rumbling, nausea, vomiting, belching, gas, acid taste in the mouth, pain, bloating and abdominal pain. Most people often get a burningThe chest pain as heartburn. All these symptoms may worsen when increasing the stress.

Catnip Plants

Anyone can be digestive disorders, including children and elderly people were affected. This is a very common problem is particularly common in alcoholics and drug addicts. There are many causes of digestive disorders but not drug addicts just get indigestion. Ulcers, stomach cancer, gastrointestinal infections, IBS and thyroid diseases can also cause indigestion. Some medications can also cause digestive disorders,Some of these include aspirin, estrogen and birth control, steroids, antibiotics, thyroid medications can contribute to causing indigestion.

Eat too much can factor in digestive disorders. Stress and fatigue can also cause. Swallowing air when eating and drinking a lot, and pregnancy can cause as well. Indigestion is not caused by too much stomach acid in the body and not everyone can find a known cause of digestive problems there.

GastroesophagealReflux disease, other so-called acid reflux or GERD, exhibit, is a state, the liquid contents in the stomach back up into the esophagus. It is a chronic disease, and usually lasts throughout a person's life. Most of the time, the reflux occurs in the middle of the day, if the person is standing or sitting upright.

Gravity, swallowing and saliva are protective measures in the esophagus, but this only works if the person upright. When lying down to sleep at night saying gravitynot in force, people do not swallow while they sleep, and the amount of saliva produced is reduced. So in the night when the reflux occurs, acid content and go to stay longer in the esophagus more damage.

Causes of heartburn are complex and in many cases, many causes have contributed to cause the disease set. Most people who have reflux, however, large amounts of stomach acid. Some things that can help are the lower esophagusSphincter, hiatal hernia, esophageal contractions and emptying of the stomach. The symptoms of acid reflux are heartburn, regurgitation and nausea. More serious complications can arise not treat heartburn. Ulcers, strictures, Barrett's esophagus, asthma, throat inflammation and infection in the lungs can occur.

Changing eating habits can help cure GERD. Avoid things like mint, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine can help. Fatty foods are not goodeither. However, chewing gum can actually help to treat acid reflux, chewing gum stimulates swallowing of saliva and increase production. Having swallowed saliva neutralizes the esophagus. Antacids may also help neutralize the acid in the stomach, so there is acid reflux. There are also barriers of foam and the operations that can really help in severe cases.

Another thing, can help to treat heartburn and indigestion, acid reflux and indigestion is the Tea by Bell.It is calming and relaxing in the stomach that aids digestion and relieves stomach pain and gastrointestinal spasms. There is also an antacid. It can also prevent flatulence, stimulates digestive enzymes, prevents cramping, abdominal pain and reduces inflammation in the digestive tract.

Acid Reflux and Indigestion Tea is completely natural and safe to use, some of which are components of anise, fennel, chamomile, dill, cumin, peppermint, ginger, sage andOrange peel. Acid reflux is a digestive disorders tea supplements are found in alternative medicine.

Drink tea to help acid reflux and indigestion

Monday, August 29, 2011

Nursery Cats on Catnip

Nursery Cats on Catnip Video Clips. Duration : 4.22 Mins.

Cats @ the nursery enjoying the catnip

Keywords: cat, catnip, nursery, emily, ken, kuma, yasuo, mike, kuro, baby, lina

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cat Grass Plus Catnip Seeds - 4.75" X 1.5" X 6"

Sale Price : $3.50

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Size: 4.75" X 1.5" X 6"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cat Safety

Stray Cats do not think security is an issue most cat owners. You get a new cat or kitten. Insert a couple of cat toys and think can satisfy your new pet. Then you discover that your cat wants to go outside. He sat looking out the window. Trying to get fresh air and sunshine. So it is left out. I have done in the past with a new cat, so I know the feeling.

Then he discovers that it is not coming home. Perhaps missing for several days. Or, if youAt home he was injured.

Catnip Plants

The dangers that await a cat left to roam on their own are endless.
Frost comes out of a parked car, a neighbor who loves to dig in their beds cat, dog, left open the garage door of air that may contain pesticides or other rodents, and so on.

Other cats. Cats are territorial and fights cat neutered if you do not burst.

Depending on where you live, coyotes are a serious threat to the security of a cat. Coyote can run 60 mph andis something to eat. A cat is not a game for the Coyotes speed.

The answer to this problem is a cat enclosure. This environment provides security and your new pet outside and safe. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

Once you have a project for the new system, you can start thinking about what to put inside.
The possibilities are endless.

Cat shelves can be built on the sides of the housing or built as a picnic table for roosting. A old leader, well-anchored to the ground offers a great area for climbing and perching, since cats really like heights.

The garden with plants that are poisonous to cats.
The plants are grown for a cat: catnip, thyme, sage, parsley, chickweed, lawn, grass, wheat grass or oat grains.
Find catnip plants in the store or local nursery home is expensive. The best way is to start your own catnip> Plant.

First, you will find some seeds of high-quality catnip. Do a search on Google and you can find some that quantity of oz 1 / 4 and more to come. Because not all seeds germinate, you better take a lot of seeds in each dish.
Moisten a bag of seeds that germinate soil moist but not soaking it.
Place the moist soil in several small plastic pots. Take a pen and make 1 / 8 "holes. With a plastic spoon, put a little 'seeds in each hole. Moisten all with a sprayBottle.

Catnip germinates in the dark. Cover all your cookware line with plastic wrap. Cover with a towel.
Ends germ takes about 2 weeks. Even then, if no heat is catnip to germinate.
Every day you take the top plastic and wet with a spray bottle. Soil moisture must be kept waiting to germinate.
After about 10 days to 14 days, the little green shoots appear.
His pots are ready to be placed in a window in the south.

Catnip is veryHardy once established. Once installed in the garden, produces beautiful purple flowers in midsummer.
Will, over time and continue to reseed in your garden.

For the decoration, but an ordinary light from the outside, that is on most portals, you can buy cheap, solar lights, is locked in the ground and hanging poles dug into the ground.

There are many resources on the Internet for your cat to build their own fence. It does notbe fancy or big for that matter.

A key to the success of your case is to provide a pet door. Your new pet can come and go as he pleases.
Pet doors in a variety of sizes and styles. Some come in a traditional house or a sliding door.

Once your case, you can leave your cat or kitten with peace of mind.
All benefits from this action.
Your pet is in favor of free. You can be sure that it is safe.

Cat Safety

Friday, August 26, 2011

How do I get my cat to leave my plants alone?

If you have problems with your cat always eats your plants or digging in the earth there are several simple solutions to this problem. Cats naturally like to explore their territory and your plants are listed in this area. So if you're tired of cleaning the soil on the ground here are some ways to save plants.

If your cat always plays with the ground up, you could try putting a little 'large stones or rocks on the ground. These aretoo heavy to move for your cat, but at the same time that water through them, so you can continue to water.

Catnip Plants

Another solution is a pair of cones on the ground. Cats do not like to touch them or step on them. As a last resort, you can try using aluminum foil on top of the soil as well. Cats do not like the feeling of a sheet of aluminum and can be connected to holes in the sheet, in order to remain on the plant and water.

If your cat is chewing onScroll spray a product called Bitter Apple for them. If your cat really likes chewing investment you could invest in some 'catnip, which is in most pet stores or sold online.

This allows the cats to chew the plant material, and hopefully distract their attention away from your plants to their own catnip.

As a last resort, if none of these steps seem to work for you always increase your plants or put them on a pedestal higher, so they are notunreachable.

How do I get my cat to leave my plants alone?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1-2-3 Done! - How to Create a Butterfly Herb Garden

1-2-3 Done! - How to Create a Butterfly Herb Garden Tube. Duration : 1.53 Mins.

One of the pleasures I enjoy about a garden is watching all the wildlife that comes to visit. I am particularly fond of those little acrobats of the sky, butterflies. Creating a butterfly sanctuary is fun and easy. There are two kinds of plants you will need to grow in your butterfly garden; food plants for the caterpillars and nectar plants for the adult butterflies Some herbs have a bloom season, but a lot of herbs bloom continuously throughout the season which makes them especially good in a butterfly garden. Good nectar herbs include oregano, pineapple sage, garlic chives, bee balm, catnip, sage, mint, and thyme. Good host plants are fennel, dill, parsley, and basil. I started with a large terra cotta container and filled it with a good quality soil. I used cinnamon basil, bee balm, parsley and dill from Bonnie Plants. After planting each one in the container, I gave it a good shot of water. Be sure to place your container in a nice sunny location, the herbs and butterflies will be glad you did, plus, you'll enjoy seeing Mother Nature's beauty hard at work!

Keywords: p Allen Smith, Bonnie Plants, Herbs, gardening, butterfly, oregano, pineapple sage, garlic chives, bee balm, catnip, sage, mint, thyme, fennel, dill, parsley, basil

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nepeta cataria herbe a chat catnip cataire sur Ethnoplants

Nepeta cataria herbe a chat catnip cataire sur Ethnoplants Video Clips. Duration : 0.42 Mins.

plant de Nepeta cataria, plante vivace très résistante, odorante qui fera la joie de vos infusions. En tant que remèdes, les Nepeta sont employées comme décontractant , sédatifs, et comme antispasmodiques. Elles sont employées pour alléger des symptômes tels que l'insomnie, le stress, les crampes menstruelles, et les crampes d'intestin.

Tags: nepeta, cataria, herbe, chat, cat, nip, Ethnoplants, plante, médicinale, autoproduction, graines, plantes, semillas, samen, korn, pflanzen, cats, kitty

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cat Poisoning Symptoms - Poisoning Drug

Accidental overdose of veterinary drugs and accidental ingestion of human and veterinary drugs pills are a common cause of poisoning in cats. Veterinary products, in particular, often flavored to encourage a pet to take them, and will be consumed with enthusiasm if they are discovered.

Curious cats are often dropped or rolling pills can be attracted and hunt and try to eat them. Many people take over-the-counter drugs for their cats without veterinary approval numbertreat a variety of symptoms that they believe that what works for humans to cats. Unfortunately, this is simply not true.

Catnip Plants

Cats are particularly sensitive to many drugs. Drugs administered to cats in doses humans are almost always toxic - drugs and some people can not be given to cats in any quantity. Common painkillers such as ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) are toxic to cats. Cats do not have the enzymes necessary to detoxify and eliminate these drugs.

In particular,missing liver enzymes glucuronyltransferase. This enzyme breaks down drugs so they can be metabolized. Without them, the use of some drugs to prevent the accumulation of hazardous substances in animals that are left behind when the drugs are metabolized lead.

Cat poisoning symptoms develop quickly and abdominal pain, salivation, vomiting and weakness. Other human medications, a variety of toxic effects and are often involved in accidental poisoningAntidepressants, antihistamines, painkillers, sleeping pills, diet pills, heart pills, blood pressure and vitamin pills.

All instances of taking the drug should be taken seriously. If you suspect that your cat has swallowed one, and vomiting drug immediately coat the intestine, as described. Call your vet for further instructions. A specific antidote is available for the drug in question. Also, call a poison control center.

All drugs should be safekept in child resistant containers and cabinets closed. Always consult your veterinarian before administering medications. Follow the instructions exactly to the frequency and dosage. Never assume that a human medicine for pets safe!

Cat Poisoning Symptoms - Poisoning Drug

DuneCraft Garfield Catnip Garden

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Monday, August 22, 2011

What do rabbits eat? What herbs can eat rabbits?

I am often asked: "What do rabbits eat?" can and there are often many questions about what rabbits can not eat the herbs. Here is a useful guide for what should be OK for your bread and herbs that can be avoided.

In general, herbs are great for your rabbit. They offer a lot of variety on offer, when it comes to vitamins and minerals, and additional interest in your food rabbit. A rabbit has over 17,000 taste buds in the mouth so they can be programmed in any caselove the variety!

Catnip Plants

So let's look the best - these are great for your sandwiches, but also easy to find at the supermarket, or grow it yourself:

Parsley - flat leaf and curly Mint - the most common varieties such as mint, apple mint, peppermint common cilantro (or coriander) - stands alone, without roots Basil - all varieties. This herb appears to be a favorite especially clear for many rabbits. Catnip - your sandwiches do not go gaga about this, you do not like your cat, but it is stillenjoy chewing Wild sage Marjoram Oregano / Oregano Rosemary - Rosemary has a strong flavor, so your bread to eat only a small amount of it, but the stems of rosemary to chew very well Tarragon Thyme Avoid herbs dill

Avoid any plant, the onion family, chives how it is used. Mint is a plant of the mint family, which is toxic. It is usually grown as an ornamental plant, it is unlikely that you have in your herb gardenthough.If you are particularly interested in herbs, diet, why not explore a small herb garden just for your sandwiches? Or even with some herbs in pots in a small cage, munching away, when she wants.

Most rabbits love herbs and I appreciate the variety in their diet.

What do rabbits eat? What herbs can eat rabbits?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Treating anxiety with herbs - best seven herbs

If you suffer from daily stress or a severe panic disorder, is a great way to prepare to treat anxiety with herbs. There are many effective herbs for anxiety, but you should consult your doctor before taking them, especially if you are taking any medications or health conditions. For some of the best nutritional supplements are kava, lavender, catnip, passion flower poppy, chamomile, hops, and California. While you can buy these in the form of tablets, I find making tea andDyes effectively.

Kava Kava ​​is one of the best facilities I've found fro treating anxiety with the herbs have. And 'costly and time to be properly prepared. To save time you can get a formula that can be instantly added to the water. Kava should not be heated and may cause drowsiness, so do not take if you are going after.

Catnip Plants

Lavender can calm nerves in many ways. You can drink tea or use the soothing aroma Quality. Some people make lavender bags, cushions in place. Others add a few drops of essential oil to your bath. If you do not have time for a bath, add a few drops of water to heat and inhale the steam.

Could make super catnip cats, but people are relaxing. Because it can stimulate menstruation and cause uterine contractions, should be for women who have menstrual problems or are pregnant to avoid. Other people may have one or two cups> Catnip tea before bedtime helps to calm and to ensure a restful sleep.

If you are worried about the side effects of drugs to consider, passion flower. In preliminary experiments it has been shown to be effective as medications for anxiety, but with fewer side effects. You can use a tea or infusion of passion flower tincture.

Chamomile is another herb that night degrades promotes relaxation and stress. It 'easy to find chamomile tea in almost all supermarkets,He is one of the herbs on the market more accessible. Should be avoided if pregnant or lactating, have a ragweed allergy, or are on medication for a blood clotting disorder, such as the effects of blood thinner.

Hops are a sedative for anxiety and another herb that should be worn in the evening. This is a great alternative to chamomile, it is not possible for you to accept that. It is often found with other herbal teas to sleep.

California poppy is good for anxiety andEffects of Insomnia and side effects or interactions with other medications for this herb are recorded, although not for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding is recommended. This could be in the form of tea or tincture to take.

With so many options available, the treatment of anxiety with herbs is both simple and effective. Although these systems have been used for centuries, is always a good idea to discuss with your doctor so that those who can best choose for you.

Treating anxiety with herbs - best seven herbs

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pedda the Bald Wrinkled Pussycat. Episode 1: Beloved Nippy Plants

Pedda the Bald Wrinkled Pussycat. Episode 1: Beloved Nippy Plants Tube. Duration : 3.30 Mins.

Just a dumb video featuring Pedda the bald wrinkled pussycat and her catnip while modeling a new harness. Music by Marc Gunn and the Dubliners' Tabby Cats.

Keywords: Pedda, bald, wrinkled, pussycat, sphynx, catnip, harness, Marc Gunn, Dubliner's Tabby Cats

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pasella | Gardening Tips | Cat Friendly Plants

Pasella | Gardening Tips | Cat Friendly Plants Video Clips. Duration : 1.87 Mins.

Tags: pasella, gardening, tips, catnip, cute cat, kitty, willie schmidt

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


CATNIP IN MOTION Video Clips. Duration : 0.83 Mins.

First time Using the intervalometer on my Canon Powereshot Pro1 played to music by" Boards Of Canada"

Keywords: Plant, catnip, growing, moving, Boards Of Canada, Canon, Powershot pro1, photography, test, intervalometer

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fancy and the stick

Fancy and the stick Video Clips. Duration : 2.28 Mins.

Fancy playing with a catnip plant stick.

Keywords: fancy, office, cat, catnip, stick, catnip toy

Monday, August 15, 2011

Four common symptoms of cats is recommended not to ignore

These four cats common symptoms may be signs of an emergency situation, or at least a consultation with your veterinarian. Even if your cat may experience some of these symptoms and do not have a significant problem, it is better to be cautious.

The fact is that cats are pretty self-sufficient, and you can recover from a mild disease, before they even know they are sick. It 'just to neglect or ignore something that we ensure that our cats can be recovered from. It 'also possible, however, that one ormany of these cat symptoms could indicate that your cat can be a serious illness or underlying disease as a cause have. Pay attention to the behavior of your cat, and if you are one of the following possible symptoms to act immediately.

Catnip Plants

Diarrhea - Diarrhea can be a sign of a problem more serious than simply only digestive disorders. It also causes dehydration, so do not let this go on for long without your veterinarian. Vomiting - Vomiting is very familiar for catsand cat owners. Hairballs are probably the most common cause of vomiting and are usually of little importance .. But the cats get into all sorts of things, not too surprisingly, have the habit of some of these things right. They can also cause allergic reactions to plants or other objects can cause digestive disorders. It might just be a hairball, but alert to the possibility of a serious problem if your cat has persistent vomiting. Poisons, intestinal orserious illness may be the reason. Excessive vomiting can cause dehydration, which require a serious illness, intravenous fluids, and can lead to death. Lethargy - While the Cats need lots of sleep, seem not to be lazy. Most cats do not always sleep in one place for a longer period. Lethargy is a sure sign of some kind of problems. Since cats sleep so much, it can be difficult to tell if they are slow. If your cat is normally sparkling wine andactive, but suddenly begins sleeping in a corner for a day is probably something wrong. I was able to change this behavior with one of my cats, once captured about a day, since they are open and it looked good. The second day, but she was too weak to jump, and they need an antibiotic and rehydration therapy ended. The refusal to eat or drink - the refusal to eat or drink for long periods or outside of the normal routine of your cat is a red flag. Make sure you know your catEating habits and consumption to be good and careful, if there are any changes. Sick animals often stop eating, so listen to what your cat wants to tell you.

For most of them are quite hardy creatures, and cats will recover from minor problems themselves. It is that time, however, when symptoms of the disease cat is a serious illness, the need to provide treatment. I am not suggesting that you go to the vet every week, just want you to be on guard against thoseOccasions. If you suspect that your cat is ill, contact your veterinarian.

Four common symptoms of cats is recommended not to ignore

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cats socialization


I fell for the first time in cats Burma ten years ago, when I went to a friend's house to her new cat, the name to see a beautiful Burmese cat breed darshan. Sat Darshan regally on a very high cat tree, as has been done to a king, along with other woman seemed pretty Burma.

Catnip Plants

I was fascinated by her beauty, and when I learned more about the breed, its folklore and its history, has promised me my cat would be a next Birman.But I have forgotten these thoughts in mind, and finally.

How I Won the Heart of my Birman cats unsocialized

A few years later, my cat died, and why I always have a cat in my house, I went looking for a new cat companion almost immediately. I firmly believe the adoption of animals from shelters or shelters because of the huge problem of overpopulation of dogs and cats. So I started the Pet Finder web site, and I was surprisedsee a cat that looked almost identical to the darshan local animal shelter available. I was immediately on the phone and asked if it was available. The owner told me that the cat was called Leanne and was a mix of the Himalayas. However, when I visited, I could see it was a Burmese.

Thoroughbred Burmese are very expensive and can range from $ 500 - $ 700 I was excited and immediately wanted her, despite the fact that he had to take a history of neglect and social problems, has beenvery shy and hid from people all the time. It 'been almost impossible to find them when I meet them for the first time was in the sanctuary, and no one was able to try to connect with her for months. The director of the sanctuary has warned that Leanne will perhaps never socialized.

When I was Leanne, had two years, and now at six, is a member of my family thoroughly socialized loves my dog, Beardog, greets the people passing by, and loves to sit on my lap and sleep with meduring the night. It took me many months to convince her out of her shell, and have been hidden for a long time. But now it has all the wonderful qualities of Burmese cats. They are gentle cats usually are like humans and other animals, are strong and healthy with few genetic problems, and they are charming and very social.

That was my strategy to Leanne who love me and come out:

I've bribed with toys and play time - I discovered that if I broughttheir toys, at the end of the day, was ready to play with me (which was amazing, because they absolutely refused to interact with anyone in the sanctuary). Every day, when I came home from work, I would like to bring some 'its new interactive toy and sit on the floor with her for about an hour, as he jumped around like a normal puppy, who loves to play you.

By far the best toy and well done that I found was, from Bird. A friend who had recently adopted two cats recommended by Bird, and it's reallybrought them out of their shells. While you can relax and watch TV, I occupied my cat unsocialized, literally for hours, amazing backflips and jumping do not know this was possible even for cats gymnastics. The road to my heart was Burmese gymnastics!

I found some cat furniture can call their own - all cats are zero to train their muscles and sharpening their claws (! Please do not declaw your cat), you must provide a suitable scratching post - I found alarge contribution in line!

Cats, like dogs, children and many adults are slightly affected it - Treats are a great way to teach your cat to come when you call. After learning that she has managed in a bag, just shake the bag and call, and usually you can also show cats unsocialized. Get the goodies that are good for your cat!

Catnip makes cats happy - it's catnip for cats is like chocolate for the people. It makes their brains a good feel and seems to cause apositive response in cats. Buy toys with catnip, catmint plants to provide fresh or dried catnip is a great way to show your unsocialized cats have much to offer and are a major supplier.

In addition to the toy cat, cat furniture, is cat, Catnip, I also busy building a psychology major cat Burmese confidence in my shady. Money alone can not buy you love one unsocialized cat. Leanne was, despite all the treats, toys andBribes still hidden in the basement more often than I wanted. Here are some tips to develop a healthy long-term relationship with a cat:

Never a scream cat - does not work, especially if a cat already skittish. If you need to discipline a cat, it is best to clap loudly when they are bad, in order to associate an unpleasant noise with their behavior rather than the discipline of giving directly to you. Never hit a cat - cats do not forgive any kind of physicalDiscipline, and will lose the trust you have worked hard to win. Be patient and do not expect that socialization occur too quickly - it took about 3 months before Leanne was comfortable to walk freely in my room, and another month before they could move freely around my house. For a long time, he with his tail down a run to another hiding place, directly from the game and sometimes treated and then retreat to their safe hiding place. Do not pull the cat out of hiding- It allows them to be alone when they are ready. Once they have their litter box and sleeping area and dining area, do not change! Cats hate change and only if it is always socialized, it is best not to make too many changes. Brush your cat often, and show how much affection, as tolerated. Leanne loved to be brushed when they were still in their early to hide. Nursing is a great way to bond with the animals.

It 'true that many wild cats, as it can notare socialized, and is not a good idea to bring home. But there are cats in a shelter that can be very shy, but still a chance for happy family life. If you have the patience and time to have a cat with a job, you can have a wonderful companion. These tips will make the difference.

Cats socialization

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Organic Catnip - Cats love it!

Organic Catnip - Cats love it! Tube. Duration : 2.23 Mins.

Home-grown, dried catnip drives Janelle, Spider & Lugosi wild. Much better than the stuff you buy from the pet shops... I bought the seeds on eBay and grew my own catnip plants from them, but they all died from parasite infestation about a year later. This is the last dried catnip I have left from those plants. :)

Tags: cats, kitties, catnip, plants, dried

Friday, August 12, 2011

Capsule Terrariums - Cat's Fancy

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Includes:Catnip Seeds, Sprouting Pot, Sprouting Terrarium, & Germination Medium
  • Catnip plants sprout quickly and are easy to grow for great fun for you and your cat.
  • Catnip is also said to attract good luck.
  • Made in the USA
  • Product Dimensions: 3.4" x 2.9" x 8"

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Scratch 'N Sniff Live Catnip Scratching Post

Scratch 'N Sniff Live Catnip Scratching Post Tube. Duration : 6.22 Mins.

Video of prototype tests for the Scratch 'N Sniff Live Catnip Scratching Post. Keeps cats happy with live catnip without destroying the plant.

Tags: live catnip, catnip plant

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

USDA Certified Organic Catnip - 3/4 oz (6 Pack)

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 6-10 business days

Technical Details
  • 6 Pack
  • Harvested in the USA exclusively for West Paw Design
  • USDA certified organically grown catnip is fresh and milled with only the finest leaves and flowers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Seed Starting Tips

Start your own plants from seed is a very satisfying project if you are itching for spring. Flowers and vegetables from seed is not too difficult if you follow these simple guidelines:

Have fun browsing and orders from seed catalogs and Web sites, but not too early to start planting now. It is tempting to begin as soon as the seeds arrive, but not to sow too early or the plants are covered and leggy, long before 'safe transplantationthey are outside. If the seed packet recommends planting 56 weeks five days before the last frost, it is better to go with the four weeks instead of six weeks of date. Another stumbling block is the seed more than necessary. By all means, spread a little 'more to do, you have enough plants, but thin your plants to a manageable number. Many seeds will inventory remained for several years if stored in a cool, dry, dark place. Always use a sterile seed starting mix, available from gardenCenters. Do not use garden soil, fungi and bacteria that kill the fragile seedlings and not reuse old potting soil for seed starting, it may contain. Follow the instructions on the package of seeds than light and soil temperature. Some seeds germinate in the light, others dark. Some seeds are best in hot conditions, to invest as a mat for seeds, or place your starting seed in a warm place, such as the flat top of the refrigerator. Most of the young plants grow better dayTemperatures between 70 and 75 degrees F (21 to 24 º C) and night temperatures between 55 and 65 degrees F (13 to 18 º C). No more new water plants. Watering addition to fungal diseases that are killing small new plants. Water sparingly, but often. Enter the new seedlings plenty of light. To make a bright window, but grow lights are best. When the plants two sets of true leaves (the first leaves are called cotyledons or seed leaves) have to start fertilizingonce a week with half strength fertilizer plant start-up or liquid fish emulsion. Harden made ​​up of young plants before you plant in the garden. Cool-season annuals, like pansies and snapdragons, you should be cured for several weeks before the race, the heat-lovers such as impatiens and tomatoes. Put the plants outdoors in a shady, protected place for at least one or two weeks before transplanting in the garden. Give them half a day out at first, and gradually abandonedhave done more, slow movements are used in a windy and sunny areas in order to make life in the real world.

Catnip Plants

Seed Starting Tips

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cat Grass Seed Starter Kit

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Cats prefer oats to house plants
  • Oats aid feline digestion
  • Cats prefer sweet oats to cat grass
  • Easy and fast to grow
  • Kit contains 1 oz. Sweet Oats, 3 EZ Soil Wafers, Plastic Seed Tray with Clear Lid

Saturday, August 6, 2011

CC and fresh Catnip

CC and fresh Catnip Tube. Duration : 0.58 Mins.

The poor little plant didn't stand a chance

Keywords: catnip, cat, animal, behaviour, kitten, crazy, funny, high, nip

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fluffy and the catnip plant

Fluffy and the catnip plant Video Clips. Duration : 3.27 Mins.

Created on June 10, 2009 using FlipShare.

Tags: flipshare

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yorkie Names - Find inspiration in the herbs and spices

Looking for a great puppy names for your Yorkie? Who would have thought that you find the perfect Yorkie names in your herb garden or spice rack? In fact, there are a lot of names to a Yorkie puppies from these sources to meet-we take a look right now ...

It is the first, a little 'how to tell by the way, I find that this quest Yorkie names from a list of herbs and spices has started a little' confusing at first, because I suddenly realized I did not know the differencebetween herbs and spices! I discovered after some research, that the herbs come from the leaves of herbaceous (not woody) plants, while spices from the roots, flowers, fruits, seeds and bark can be obtained. To get that sometimes is a herb and spice from the same plant: Fennel is an example: The leaves of this plant are used as an herb, while the seeds are dried and ground as a spice used.

Catnip Plants

Name of the Herbs

Thus the name: We begin with aList of herbs, the names that could be worn with pride by all Yorkie puppies! Please note that this is in no way a complete list of herbs: I decided not to give a name that would not be for a Yorkie, including dill, horehound, wormwood, or!

Let us be the first herbs: These herbs have the taste of foods and drinks are used, and most people are familiar with manythis:

Basil Bay Chive Coriander Curry Fennel Marjoram Oregano Parsley Rosemary Sage Tarragon Thyme

My favorites are here, basil, curry (sounds like a puppy that never stops!), Parsley and sage (the wise little boy who knows exactly what you think!).

I found an interesting list of "bitter herbs" that have used more like a drug, and some of them are quite nice too:

Angelica Chamomile Dandelion (Milk) Thistle Rue Yarrow

Angelicaa good name for a female Yorkie and Thistle suits me really like a male name for a puppy.

Investigation led me to even more herbs, some of which I had never heard of to find: They are primarily used in herbal medicine:

Aloe Calendula Consolidate Burning Bush Hyssop Marigold Artemisia Rue Tansy Verbena (Sweet) Woodruff Wormwood

There are three adorable female pups that are here for: dittany, Tansy and Verbena: I'm not beautiful? And the boyscertainly there: I like the idea of ​​a baby Yorkie named Wormwood (I think it has shades of Harry Potter in it), and Woodruff also appeals to me.

Names of spices

It 'a nice list of spices from around the world: Let's dive right into!

Anise Cumin Cardamom Cassia Cayenne Celery Chili Cinnamon Carnation Cumin Galangal Ginger Jalapeno Juniper Liquorice Myrrh Mustard Nutmeg Onion Paprika Pepper Saffron Sesame Tabasco Tamarind Turmeric Vanilla

Some of them are distinctly aromatic, and a puppy that would never fit again: I can not even imagine a group of brothers called Yorkie pepper, jalapeno, paprika, pepper and tabasco sauce! (If you have the name of the sixth, I would add the mustard!)

A trio of beautiful Christmascould cinnamon, nutmeg and myrrh: so beautiful and aromatic!

Anise, cassia, saffron and female Yorkies are adorable, and cumin, liquorice and onions are good for men, although, of course, many of these names would work very well for both sexes (I'm just showing my bias here! )

A name that I was out of the Catnip Herb list: probably not a big name to give your Yorkie, but I can see situations where it would be perfect as a nickname!

Yorkie Names - Find inspiration in the herbs and spices

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Noodles and catnip

Noodles and catnip Video Clips. Duration : 0.80 Mins.

This is noodles. She was my best friend K2's cat. We had to give her away when she moved home to Malaysia. I gave K2 one of my overgrown catnip plants. Noodles just loved eating the flower. We miss noodles.

Tags: cat, catnip, funny

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

bird eating catnip

bird eating catnip Tube. Duration : 0.33 Mins.

I think this is a goldfinch chowing down on my catnip, yes? Recorded on July 11, 2011 using a Flip Video camcorder.

Keywords: flipshare, bird, goldfinch, catnip, outdoors, nature, plants

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Cat's an addict! Watch him destroy this Catnip plant!

My Cat's an addict! Watch him destroy this Catnip plant! Tube. Duration : 4.95 Mins.

Tags: Funny, Cats