Thursday, December 29, 2011

Getting Ready to Adopt a New Kitty?

Going to adopt a new feline friend? Do you have everything you need before kitty arrives? Have you cat proofed your home for the new arrival?

There are many things to consider before adopting a new cat. Some of the necessities are cat litter, litter pan and scoop, food and water bowls, food formulated for the age and health of your cat, cat furniture and lots of toys. Consider as well, that your cat will need regular vet visits and spaying or neutering is an expense that is a must.

Catnip Plants

Let's start at the beginning. When bringing a new cat into your home (especially a kitten), take a look around your home from a cats point of view. Dangling electric cords, toxic plants, and delicate collectibles should be removed before your new friend is brought home. Cats are enticed with things that dangle. Electric cords are dangerous items that kitty will be interested in. If you have plants, make sure they are not poisonous to cats and remove those that could be harmful. Knick knacks could possibly be broken should your new fur baby accidentally knock one off of an end table. Cats love to play, it's their favorite thing aside from sleeping. Provide your new friend with toys intended for play or they will find other things to play with.

Prepare a small cardboard box with some cat toys in it for kitty to play with. Some cats prefer mice toys, some prefer ball toys, and some are crazy for toys that dangle from a stick or plastic pole. Until you get to know your cat better and determine his or her favorite toys, there are toys that you can buy that are relatively inexpensive yet allow a variety of things for kitty to play with. Bulk cat toys can provide your new fur baby with a variety of toy balls, mice that rattle, mice that don't rattle, toys with catnip in them or without catnip in them and many others to choose from. For not a lot of money you can get a good selection of different cat toys. Place all the new toys in the cardboard box and show kitty his or her very own toy box. It won't be long and you will see your new friend go to the toy box and select a toy to play with. Observation of this behavior will tell you which toys are the favorites. Stock up on the favorite toys but also introduce new toys to peak kitty's interest.

Keeping kitty busy playing with cat toys prevents them from playing with things that are not intended to be toys. Things such as bobby pins, rubber bands, safety pins, etc. are not things that your cat should be playing with. When your cat has plenty of toys to play with, he/she will be amused for hours and not be tempted to look for other things to play with. Don't be surprised to see kitty fall asleep clutching a favorite toy. Cat toys are a definite must for your new feline friend.

Getting Ready to Adopt a New Kitty?

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