Saturday, June 4, 2011

The secret between cats and catnip

Nepeta Cathars, commonly known as catnip is a perennial plant, and it is from the mint family. It is sometimes called catmint. An active component of catnip oil is called nepetalactone the grass and leaves. These plants have the ability to change the behavior of a simple cat with her ​​perfume. For this reason, scientists have coined the phenomenon "the Catnip effect".

But apart from that, are used by people like catnipHerbs for medicinal teas. This relieves toothache tea helps people who cough and helps you sleep. Not only that, they are also used as ingredients for salads and other dishes. It 'has also been shown to exhibit great potential as a natural insect repellent.

Catnip Plants

Returning to our puzzle if the grass does almost every cat. Some say that the cat's reaction to catnip at birth was based on an inherited genome. The genome may be a parent, responding to theseCabbage and then passed on this feature for its offspring. Kittens, the other side, not to react to catnip until they are sexually mature. The sexual maturity can be up to 3-4 months of age. However, others observed that older cats have not shown the effect that leads to the conclusion that the effect occurs only in a certain genre and the system acts as an aphrodisiac. In addition to this theory, they found that the sex pheromone in the urine found a Tomcatis similar to that found in the leaves of catnip nepetalactone 's.

It 's very interesting to know that other species are known from the cat family, such as the lynx, lions, tigers, lynx, they react just like the common house cat would. Even if a cat smells catnip, it acts as a stimulant, but if ingested, is the opposite of its usual effect - it is a sedative.

Well, we all know that cats are born of natural bonds. They tend to sleep all day and wake uponly when it's time to eat. This routine is not good for the health of your cat. Become round, fat and lazy. Therefore, by submitting your lazy cat catnip is the best idea. You already know that encourages activity when sniffed. Your little furry friend is sure to go hyper, jump, play and run around after getting a whiff of grass. However, this is only a maximum of 15 minutes.

You can also keep the herb of your clawsPets away from furniture. All you have to do is to issue a new purchase, rub the oil catnip to scratching, and observe how your cat reacts. If all goes well, smell your pet and check for mail after it so he started to claw it. A few minutes later, the effect is gone. But do not worry! You should only apply to new oil and it is hoped that the cat will be trained to spot and avoid scratching the couch.

The secret between cats and catnip

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