Monday, March 21, 2011

Why do cats go crazy for catnip?

We've all heard the cat, but what is actually true? Well, the Latin name for the Cathars Nepeta, and is simply a type of grass that is related to the mint family. It 'important to note that it is not the same plant, such as catnip, although the two have similar physical properties. However, the reaction is catnip plant that produces the strange euphoria in some cats and is completely safe based on giving your cat regularly. In fact,after the experience with no negative effect on all the cats and the show are completely back to normal within minutes.

However, it is interesting to note that not all cats are affected by the grass. It seems that the cat was born were not available, a catnip addict, the sensitivity of each inherited from his parents. So, where you can go have a cat, absolutely crazy for catnip all others show no interest in it. Whether you cat crazy catnip is not apparent until afterAt the age of three months, in which all cats are completely indifferent to the herbs.

Catnip Plants

It 'easy to recognize if you are not a sensitive cat catnip or characters can be very dramatic. Once the cat comes to catnip, they will start sniffing on through. The sniffing is becoming increasingly hectic, to begin to lick and then eat the plant. It will then start his head and rubbing the body against the plant and can begin to foam at the mouth.Rolling on the floor and purrs and growls emit strong enough often. The cat will look like this is completely out of it and may also show unusual behavior like jumping around and even aggressive towards other animals. All of this behavior is normal and varies from cat to cat, but one is the cat looking for some, as is certainly enjoying themselves. The whole experience is possible for 10 minutes or so in the end, after the cat to itsthe normal car.

Even the big cats like lions and tigers, reports that cats respond to catnip, and male and female respond in kind. The general consensus is that the experience similar to LSD or marijuana cat, but without all the unpleasant side effects. Cats are also self-regulate themselves when they have had enough experience to do so if catnip growing in your garden, it is unlikely that your cat found in a permanent state ofEcstasy.

Growing catnip is very simple and is usually from garden centers. It can grow in sandy soils in full sun light. It is worth noting that the plant valerian also affects some cats in the same way and then another might plant his worth considering, your cat-friendly garden.

Of course, if you are unable to grow in their own catnip, but also in many cat toys or dried leaves, you can use it to keep you inside your cat amused.

Why do cats go crazy for catnip?

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